Report a stray bird ...

You can view the current stray reports here...

Sometimes homing pigeons become disorientated during races, or they follow pigeons to other lofts. A stray pigeon will be weak and in need of water and food. If possible you should leave out clean water and food in the form of uncooked "pop-corn", oats, lentils, wild bird seed etc.  After a couple of days the pigeon will more than likely make it's own way home after resting.

Identifying a pigeon.

A racing pigeon will have one or possibly two rings on one of it's legs. If possible, make note of any numbers you find and post them in the form below. A typical ring number will be similar to IHU 12 S 12345 , If you happen to handle the pigeon, gently inspect it's wing feathers. Fanciers sometimes have contact information stamped on the larger wing feathers.

Reporting lost pigeons.

Please use the form below to report a lost pigeon. Give as much information as you can and we will circulate this to club secretaries in the region who will contact you to arrange the return of the bird.

Be aware that along with the contact details you enter here we also log your current IP address ( and the date and time of your visit.
This information is only used to enable the pigeon owner to contact you, or to report to the relevant authority any abuse of the reporting system.

Your Name
Your Email
Your Phone
Bird location
* Please enter information on the location of the bird
Ring No.
* Please enter any information you can see from tags or rings the bird is wearing
Anything to note
* Please note anything relating to the condition of the bird, how log it stayed etc.
Do you confirm this is a serious stray report, and you are not wasting fanciers' time by attempting to abuse the reporting system ? (enter the number 2 in this box if you agree) -
*Are we Human or Are we Dancer :
* If you're human, leave this blank otherwise your submission will be ignored and logged as spam.

Login / Register

You need an active account to access all of the tools at

If you don't know your password you can reset it from this link ...

You can register from here or if you already have an account you can login here ...


Registration with is a simple process, and once you create an account here you can

  • Manage lost rings or birds
  • Automatically receive information on lost rings or birds
  • Manage your own rings and birds online
  • Transfer rings or birds
  • Track your race results online

Registration is easy, and you can do that right away from here ...

Register Me Now...


From here we will provide all you need to know about joining a club or federation in Ireland or the UK

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